QuestionOur neighbor's 14 year old son decided he needed to drive his parents car to get to a phone (they don't have a phone). He ran into the back of my husband's parked car. The neigbor mentioned if he turned it into his insurance the police would have to file some additional charge so that it would be covered. He offered a payment plan. My husband turned it down. He then said he would turn it into his insurance. My husband immediately called the neigbors insurance and filed a claim. I am very upset with my husband, because he did not even wait 24 hours to give the man a chance to file. Maybe he would have even borrowed from a parent to keep from turning it into his insurance. I just think the neighbor will be very upset with us. My husband says who cares. Do you think he handled this correctly?
AnswerHi Patty,
This is really outside of my area, but I will throw in my two cents worth anyway. I guess I side with your husband, if the damages were such that you would have to wait for payment to get your car fixed.
In other words, if it were only a $250 repair bill, no sweat, let him pay at $50 a month and you drive a dinged up car until you get the money. That seems like a reasonable accomodation to make.
But these days, even if it were a minor hit, even those can cost many hundreds of dollars to repair. If any structural damage occured, or sheet metal buckled, you are looking at a repair bill in the thousands of dollars.
How in the world did this guy propose to pay such a bill if he cannot even afford a phone. And if he has family with money, why are they not helping with a phone? That failure to provide a safe home (yes, a phone is essential to safety in emergencies) shows that this man does not have his intentions clear. I do not believe he could be counted upon to complete his obligation to you.
Being a good neighbor does not mean you have to take the brunt of their failure in upbringing their child. Maybe this episode will help the child in the long run. But unless you are best buddies, it is not your burden to carry his mistakes.
I do not know why the police would make a charge against the young man, but I think they should. Why would you want to let a 14 year old drive on the roads? It is dangerous enough without that kind of risk-taking.
I hope this helps heal the peace at home. You could write a nice note to your neighbor to explain why you decided to forego his payment plan. Just be sure that you do not make your husband out to be the bad guy in the note. Outside the house you speak with one voice. Even if he is not happy with you, a nice written note, explaining your need to have the vehicle repaired NOW, and an expression of best wishes for the boy would be well-received.
Best Wishes,
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