Auto Insurance Claims: Claimant, auto claim, auto policy
QuestionHi Richard,
I was hoping you could help me understand why the insurance company would list me as the "Claimant" on an auto claim check even though my boyfriend had the accident and I was not even in the car. It was a one-car accident. The auto policy is in his name and I am listed a driver on the policy and I am owner of the vehicle. Is this why? If so, this accident will not be on my record will it? I was not the one who had the accident. They made the claim check out to my boyfriend and the body shop and they listed him as the insured and me as the claimant on the stub part of the check. Any light that you can shed on this will be very much appreciated. Thanks, Angela
AnswerHave no clue why you are being reffered to as the "claiaant" in the scenario you describe...
If you own the vehicle YOU should be the Named Insured on the policy and NOT your boyfriend..
If he has NO ownership/equity interest in the vehicle technically he cannot be the Named Insured.........
Leads to too much confusion and possible problem(s) down the road.
Talk with your agent or the companmy and get this squared away.
Hope and trust that I have answered your question...
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