Auto Insurance Claims: insurance claim Comprehensive, preferred shop, paint job
QuestionI made a claim with my insurance company progressive my claim was i had a crack in my windsheid from a rock and that someone keyed my car they are coming to look at it i do have comprehensive coverage what i wanted to know is after they make an estimate do they give me a check and i pay the deductible or do they handle the money like if i take it to a shop do they get the bill and i send them my deductible which is $250.00 can you help me under stand what they will do thank you
AnswerKeep in mind that the cracked w/s and the keyed paint job will be viewed as two separate and distinct "occurences" by your company and thus result in TWO deductibles...
As to how the company will pay you depends on several factors. If the repairs are to be made by a "preferred shop" (body and /ro glass) that you company uses then the net (after deductibles) payment will be more than likely made in your name and that of the repair facility. If you opt not to use a preferred shop then the check should do directly to you.
Regardless of how paid you will be responsible for the first $250.00 for each of the two repairs.......
Hope and trust that the above answers your question.
Feel free to get back to me with any further questions/issues relative to this matter.
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