Auto Insurance Claims: auto insurance, risk drivers, own insurance

Our 18 year old son lives with us and will until he attends college this fall.  He is covered under our insurance policy.  I own a vehicle of which he is the primary driver.  We have several other vehicles that he drives occasionally. Can he have his own insurance policy or will he have to continue to be covered under mine?  Thanks

This is really a question for your agent or your company (underwriting)...

You can attempt to isolate your son and provide him with his own policy but it's messy... generally.

First of all the vehicle that he would insure separately under his name needs to be TITLED in his name in order to establish an equitable interest (required for insurance to attach).

His premium (isolated) will be up there as the vhecle will lose your multi-car discount, etc...

Suggest that you speak with your agent or company and price out the various scenarios to see what they look like in the aggregate...

Make sure that you company presently has your son as the primary driver of the veh he drives.. they tend to place these highter risk drivers on the newer, more expensice cars so that they can charge a higher premium for that vehicle...

Then there is always the question/issue of what exposure you have as his parent(s) (even if he is separately insured) and how you would cover that exposure...

Hope and trust that I have answered your question(s) and provided some direction.

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