QuestionRecently my friend was driving my car with permission and got into an accident with another vehicle. She was driving on a single lane street, turned her blinker on and went to make a right hand turn. The other driver hit my friend on the passenger side. The other driver said that she didnot see my friends blinker even though the blinker was still on after the accident. I did not want to report it in fear that my friend would get into trouble. I told the girl I would pay for damages to her car because of this fear. The girl waited about a week and ahalf to take it to the repair shop and an additional week to get in touch with me to give me the estimate. She gave me an estimate of $600 and told me the repairman said it was so much due to weather damage to the existing damage. The bad weather occured after the accident. Should I report it? Am I obligated to pay for damages made after the accident due to bad weather?
AnswerIf I understand the loss mechanics right your friend (driving you car with permission) was proceeding on a single lane road and went to make a R hand turn... turned the turn signal on and proceeded to turn and was then struck on the passenger side by a trailing car.
If that is CORRECT how is that (any way form or fashion) your friend's fault ... and therefore (vicarious liability) yours??????
It appears that the trailing vehicle was attempting to pass your vehicle on the right side which would have put that vehicle on the shoulder of the road.
What's the hang up with the fact that your friend was driving the car?? Is there something (unsaid)that you are tring to protect?
Report the accident to your company and let them handle the matter.
I assume you have damage to your car.. you should present your claim for property damage (PD) to the trailing veh's insurance company after instructing him to report the matter to his company.
Do you have COLLISION coverage? If you do and the trailing vehicle's company gives you a hard time for whatever reason have your own compnay handle the damages (subject to your deductible). They will then go after the trailing vehicle'scompany to get their payment to you as well as your deductible back (this process is called subrogation).
You are under NO OBLIGATION to pay for the trailing vehicle's damage even though you earlier agreed to do so (what ever possessed you to agree to do that???).
Did the local police respond and make a report? If so what does it have to say about fault?
You have paid for auto insurance.... use it as it was intended to be used.......
Hope and trust that the above answer(s) your quetion(s) and provides some direction.
Feel free to get back to me with any further questions/issues relative to this matter.
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