Auto Insurance Claims: Policy Limits, Policy Limits

Hi,  I hope you can answer some questions for me.  My husband was in a accident two years ago. He was at fault. We are now being sued for Soft tissue injury and a neck and back injury. This has never happened to us before. Our insurance company hired a lawyer for us. My question is what happens if they are suing for more than our policy limits? (insurance will not tell us how much they are asking for). Our insurance told us not to worry about it that most likely it will settle out of court. Can they take our assests like our home or savings?  Thank you for your time. Just hard to not worry about it.

Hello Brandy,

In short, yes. They can. If the award or judgment (not settlement) is more than your policy limit, your personal assets will be exposed.

However, don't panic, 99% of the claims out there (for "soft tissue") do settle out of court within policy limits.

Good Luck,