Auto Insurance Claims: Car Ins
QuestionHow can I get car ins. in fl.My policy cancel no one will carry me. Last year two people hit my car I filed 2 different claims. I never hit anyone and don't have any tickets over 40yrs. Where can I get some ins. without paying the full 6 month up front. Ins. want accept me, I need full coverage. I need coverage before oct.15th. Can you help me with a company.
AnswerHi Juanita,
There is always some company that will provide coverage. You need to check with independent insurance agents in your area. If a regular insurance company will not cover you, you need to ask if they provide coverage through the "Florida Automobile Joint Underwriters Association" (FAJUA). This is the Florida high risk pool. However, you should check with may other companies before you go into the FAJUA as the rates there are very expensive. You might try looking for Progressive insurance company. They may be able to provide you with a policy.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbuagh