Questiona dump truck loaded with 250lb+ boulders wrecked and damaged a fir tree along with some alder trees. it dumped the boulders into a creek and adjoining natural creek bed and drainage. what should i claim for damages? what steps should i take to resolving this issue? what should i expect from the insurance adjuster?
AnswerHow that claim is handled will depend on how much of a self insured interest the dump truck's carrier put on the company and how experienced the claim handler is. If I were handling the claim, I would get a specialty appraisal from a company like the one where I work which would help me to determine the value of the claim.
Essentially, the basic logic on these types of claims is the reasonability standard.
What type of property are the trees on, residential? commercial?
How bad is the damage to the trees?
Will they recover?
If not, can the trees be replaced?
If they can't be replaced then how much was their value prior to being damaged?
It is not so easy to answer your question without having quite a few questions of my own answered. I suggest you simply make a written demand for payment of whatever amount you consider to be fair for the damages. We'll gladly discuss your claim and give our free opinion over the phone or via this thread or directly at our own e-mail server. Information is always free at Petty Details, LLC!