Auto Insurance Claims: atv claim, auto insurance claim, open investigation

QUESTION: I had a arc accident and it was a total loss. I got a check and everything was fine. A month passed and my buddy went to buy a arc at the place that gave me an estimate and they told him it was under investigation. I have already settled why would they do a investigation now state farm has not contacted me about this. The accident took place in Alabama and it's also where I live. Why would they do a investigation now now?

ANSWER: Hi Skyler,

Investigation? Who told you that? If the claim is settled, it is unlikely that it was reopened. If it was, you want to know why.

Contact your insurance company and inquire why? or what they need.

Good Luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Im sorry my question should have said atv. And not arc. Anyways. The claim wasn't closed but I did settle with insurance and received a check for total loss. My friend went to the shop that has the atv to buy another one and went to used atv warehouse and mine was in there and the guy at the shop said it was under investigation. Wouldn't they tell me if it were under investigation? ?

Again, if the claim is settled, it is unlikely that there is further investigation. Simply because a friend told you that a mechanic said that does not make it an open investigation.

They would not tell you if they think there is fraud. Of course, they would pay you if they thought that was the case.

Good Luck