Auto Insurance Claims: Re: auto settlement ...need to know what to do by tomorow/, claim settlement, insurance claim settlement
QuestionI was involved in an auto accident in which was no fault of my own. Myself, and two very small children were at a stop light when a van ran into the back of the car directly behind me going appx. 60 mph...she crushed that car into me, then spun it out of the way and directly hit me and when up under my car. I in return hit the car in front of me x2...*total of 4 impacts. My car was totaled. I had no choice but to go thru my insurance and accept the offer for property that they gave me...It was 300$ less than my payoff and I was also deducted my 500 dollar deductible. I understand the subrogation process and that I may or may not ever see any portion of my ded. I decided although my kids and I were ok that it was in my best interest to obtain and attorney. He contacted me yesterday and told me he had forwarded my med. bills and loss of wages to the insurance comp. and we would wait for an offer. I just received and e-mail that the ins. co. has made an offer and he will call me tomorrow at 9 am to discuss the figure. I understand that if this figure is not what I/atty agree on then he will submit a demand. I am absolutely lost as to what the offer figure SHOULD be. My bills and loss wages only added up to 890$ Thankfully we are OK..but I can not get past what COULD of happened. ie...lost or hurt one of my beautiful children!!! Any fore thought on what I should be expecting out of this situation??? Also, I as left in the situation of not having a car at all!!! no down payment and no trade. I had to borrow money from a family member AND had to have someone co -sign for me for 6 years because I could not get a car on my own. no I'm stuck with a co-signer..*which I did not have to on the car that was wrecked. thanks for any info you can offer....
lyn from
Answer Hello Lyn,
It is not possible for me to weigh all the factors that contributed to your loss, and your children's loss. That is your attorney's job.
Have you shared all of this information with your attorney? You need to keep the lines of communication open. If the first offer is too low, if you think it is unfair, speak to your attorney about your options.
And by the way, from the information you have provided, I can see no reason for you not receiving your deductible back in subrogation. Thank heavens you had collision coverage!
You should be fine as long as you continue to communicate with your attorney.
Good luck
Jane Pytel