Auto Insurance Claims: Insurance low balled first offer, claim settlement, insurance claim settlement

I was a passenger in an auto accident in AZ where we were rear-ended at a stop light by a woman going about 45 mph. About a week later my back hurt so bad I couldn't walk or take care of my one year old son. I went to the chiropractor who ordered an MRI. It came back as a herniated disc and I continued to go to the chiropractor for about 3 months. I also saw a MD due to headaches and pain. My medical bills totalled $5200 and I had to spend most part of a week at my mothers so she could watch my son while my husband worked and I worked from home.

The insurance just came back with a $2600 settlement offer saying that they aren't covering the MRI because 1)it was to close to the Date of accident and the dr should've done x-rays, 2) I had been in a car accident previously (over 6 years) and they didn't know if it was from that accident and 3) because I had been to the chiropractor in the 30 days previous to the accident (I go every once in a while just for maintenance, have for about 10 years).

I feel like they should at least cover the Medical expenses that I had done, but I'm not sure how to approach it since their first offer was so much lower than expected.

 Hello Keri,

That lowball offer is so ridiculous, it gives me pain!  Seriously if you want more information on settlement offers, you can go to my website
I have a lot of material on there as well as an ebook.

The reasons for denying the MRI are nothing short of absurd.  And by the way, you're "allowed" to have prior conditions.

Keri, it sounds like you have some permanent injuries which are clearly related to or were exacerbated by this accident.  A rear end impact at 45mph is a serious hit. You need a personal injury attorney to represent you.  Yes the attorney will get a portion of your settlement, but anything is better than what you're enduring now.  You are entitled to compensation for your loss.

Do some research online, find a good attorney.  Perhaps your state bar has a referral service.  Make sure the attorney has experience and also check his bar records.

I wish you well.

Hope this helps.  Good luck!

Jane Pytel