QuestionIf my wife backed into my car can the insurance company count that as two claims(we are under the same policy)?
AnswerThanks for the question Brad and while I'm not sure I can answer it due to not knowing your coverage and policy provisions as they pertain to your state. I cannot and do not offer legal advice however I offer this;
It is my understanding if you open one collision claim on each vehicle it will be two claims and two deductibles and two claims (recorded incidents# on your claim record/history...not good!
What I would do is see if you can have ONE claim opened on the vehicle that caused the damages and have it repaired under your collision coverage and have the repair of the second vehicle under the property damage portion of your policy.
That way you have ONE collision claim #with one deductible) and one PD or property damage claim and no deductible. This should count as only one incident just as if it were your neighbors vehicle you had damaged.
I have heard whereas insurers have assessed two deductibles for such incidents; suggesting that two collision claims were opened but I fear this may have been the insurer taking unfair advantage of the situation. If you are confronted with this I would suggest you demand a written explanation and clarification of their position and be shown where in your policy contract it allows for same. Send all correspondence to your insurer by certified mail, return receipt requested and ensure that the insurer places their position in writing only and not in person or over the phone. Get it in writing!
Now here's an interesting question: because in most states you cannot obtain compensation for diminution in value from your own policy under collision...I wonder if you can collect DV under your own property damage policy just as anyone else would be entitled!?
My no longer being an insurance claims adjuster, you may wish to check with your agent for specifics in these regards.
If you'd like to know more about diminished value, feel free to visit our website @
Hope this helps in some small way!