Auto Insurance Claims: Help, insurance money, cercone
Questionmy daughter who is 16 and has only a driver permit drove a car that her friend who was staying at the house said she had permission to drive. My daughter wrecked and hit 3 cars totaling the one she was driving and now they might do a civil lawsuit against me and the other 5 kids parents. Also they said they will come after the first one that has money and how would they determine that. What do I need to expect from this? We live in Florida. Which is a no-fault state.
AnswerTalk to a lawyer in Florida. Even if there was insurance on the car, the insurer could try to recover their money from your daughter and you if she was driving negligently. and if insurance money runs out, the damaged parties could sue, even in a "no fault" state if the damages exceed a "threshold."
Ron Cercone