Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 2006 3.5 malibu maxx ac problem, outlet pipes, 2006 malibu maxx

QUESTION: may 2006 malibu maxx has been charged with freeon with the proper amount. but it cools slightyly for a while then will blow warm air. it will blow cool air but never cold air like it did in the past

ANSWER: Sorry for late reply, busy weekend with hockey.

  So when the system starts blowing warm what is going on with the compressor?  Is it cycling on and off, not at all or running all the time?


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QUESTION: The compressor seams to be cycling properly, but the air is just slightly cooler the outside temp.  Sometimes I can smell the a/c smell coeuknhming from the vents but only slightly.

ANSWER: Put your hand ont he inlet and outlet pipes to the evaporator.  When the system is not working very well what do they feel like temperature wise.  One is smaller than the other.


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QUESTION: ok, will do, what should I be feeling? one hot one cold? etc


 The fat one is the evaporator outlet and the thin one is the liquid inlet.  The thin one should be luke warm and the fat one should be very cold to the touch.  If the compressor is cycling and both lines are the same temperature report back.
