Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Air Conditioning, bump in the road, cadillac deville

QUESTION: I have a 2000 Cadillac Deville and my I am having air conditioning problems. Every time I hit a super hard bump in the road or if its really cool at night, that's the only time my a/c comes on... So what could be the problem?

ANSWER:   Sounds like an electrical problem to me.  Do you mean the blower motor and everything shuts down or just the AC functions?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I really don't know... Now my a/c is working because I hit a hard bump in road and its still on so far, but i think it might be the blower motor not sure.. The functions are on but nothing comes out unless as I stated before, I hit a hard bump.. Ever since U had my battery changed it has been working thus far. It's like when I pick up speed the a/c picks up speed; but if I slow down then it does the same. Can my alternator play a role in it not blowing if my regulators may be bad in the alternator?

 The 2000 deville has a blower controller right in the back of the motor under the dash.  Next time it is not working wiggle the plug and tap on the motor.  This will narrow down where the open circuit is.  If you lower the black shield on the passengers foot kick panel the motor is right there.