Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Blower Relay, ford explorer sport, auto electrician

My blower in my 2004 Ford Explorer Sport isn't blowing! I've checked the fuses and they seem fine. I'm looking for the relay so i can check that as well. I'm not sure what else to do after that. Please help. I'm living in Germany and it's starting to freeze! My heating, a/c, and defrost do not work. :( Thank you!

Hello, it sounds as if you have done the basics but do you know whether there is a 12 volt feed to the fan itself ?
With a volt meter get as close as you can to the fan motor feed with the ignition on and the blower on. We need to know whether the fan has a 12 volt feed.
If it hasn't you are on the right lines with fuses and relays. An auto electrician may be the next step.
If a feed is present will it work on maximum fan ?
If so,  the fan rheostat is at fault.
If you recall the fan speeds working on some lower speeds but not others for a while before it went completely then there is a fan resistor that could be faulty.
The rheostat and the resistor are both located around the fan box. A little bit of research on Google should throw up a few pictures.
I am not sure of your vehicle type as we are a UK company,