Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: heatercore quality, ford trucks, corrosive properties

I have replaced the heatercore on two late model ford trucks , both have less than year on replacement and i had to do it again. Both appear to be do to corrosion ,one came from ford ,the other napa . my questsion is where can i find aquality heatercore both replacements were made in mexico. The origanals lasted 4 to 5 yrs. and i blieve were made some where else.

The main dealer will be able to supply these units.
If it is anything like the UK they will have to give some sort of warranty with the item and replace it free of charge if it fails within the warranty period.
Also ensure the antifreeze that is added contains anti corrosive properties.
Just adding water will accelerate the corrosion process.

After Market parts do not necessarily have to be made of the same materials that a manufacturer will use