Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: a/c doesnt work, dodge dakota, fuse
Questioni have a 2000 dodge dakota 5.9 v8 and my a\c shorts out every time i turn it on, even after i replace the fuse inside the cab. it all started when my cheap wife bought a smaller battery battery for the truck and installed it, the crappy battery shorted out the alternator fuse and some other fuses inside the cab.I have replaced all the fuses but every time i turn on the a/c the fuse for the a/c shorts out.Any ideas on what it might be.
AnswerHI Juan
You need to disconnect the blower and compressor. Then try turning on the system. If your fuse blows then the problem is in the wiring or the control. If your fuse does not blow then connect the blower and see what happens. Then connect the compressor and see what happens. If you need anything else just let me know. If you have an electric condenser fan also disconnect to check the system.