Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: air conditioning 2000 silverado, compressor cycle, pressure switch
QuestionQUESTION: My 2000 silverado's air conditioning is throwing me for a loop. When I start the engine it will cycle on and off normally till I drive it for about 10 minutes then it will cycle off and not come back on. I turn off the air for a few minutes and then it will come back on for a few minutes. I replaced the low side pressure switch and had the freon checked by my shop. It was only a half pound low but even after charging it it does the same thing. I switched relays and still nothing. Any ideas, it gets REALLY hot in Texas.
ANSWER: Hi Daniel
Check power at the compressor coil and see if you have both power and ground. If you do then your coil is bad. If you are missing ground check switch at the rear of the compressor. Make sure the switch is good.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Refresh my memory, if the system is charged correctly then will the compressor cycle on and off?
AnswerCompressor will cycle on and off for two reasons. When proper temp. is reached at the evap. this is done through the cycling switch. Second if your system is low the same switch will think your temp. is correct and will disconnect but will turn back on within a few seconds.