Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: a/c pressure switch, high pressure hose, chilton repair manual

QUESTION:    First, I would like to thank you for sharing your knowledge. When I came across this site, I was amazed to say the leaast!!! I am so grateful for your generosity!!
  I have a '97 Sebring JXI convertible and have been trying to get my ac fixed. I was told that it may be the low pressure switch, but the mechanics working on it and the Chrysler dealership don't know where it is located. My motor is a 2.5L V-6. Also, I'm not sure if this is related, but my heat this past winter would only get luke warm.
         Thanks again!!

ANSWER: Hi Andrea

On this Chrysler product they have an A/C Transducer located on the high pressure hose.  The switch has three wires do let anyone jump them or your ECM nay go.  They also have a thermo sensor located at the evaporator case behind the glove compartment.  These two things are the only ones that control the compressor.  Let me know what it is doing maybe I can help.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My ac will not blow any cold air., just air. I thought it needed charged so I took it by a shop. There I found out it was fully charged. I don't know what the guy did exactly, but he crossed or bypassed something and it would blow cold air. He told me he could bypass something and put a toggle switch in the car for the ac, but I would rather have it fixed properly. He said it may be the low pressure switch, but he doesn't know if it's in the dash, under the hood ... So, I bought a Chilton repair manual and have been searching for days on the internet to find the answer. I've even looked at the motor and under the car myself. It was no suprise to me that I had no clue what I was even looking for. Also, I had to replace my serpintine belt about 2 weeks ago. When I looked at the belt, before it broke, it was twisted. The guy at the auto parts store said that a pulley must be out of line to cause my blet to flip. I don't know if any of this helps. I sure hope so!! I live in Missouri and it is hot here!!

A jump in the system is only removing protection the system has.  So it will damage your compressor or hoses.  Find the compressor follow the high hose to the high pressure switch (transducer) it has three wires.  Check under the dash by the glove box and you will see a round platick lid on the case with two wires that is your thermostat (thermo sensor).