Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 97 jeep wrangler air conditioner, radiator fan motor, jeep wrangler
QuestionI have a 97 jeep Wrangler 4 cyl and it has the same problem as this other one listed in this site. The compressor clutch cicles on and of every 10 seconds, noted that when not recirculating the air it cools better. After while blows hot air which I think that is becouse the ice builted up at the evaporator. Noted that the high pressure is not steady, going really high just before the pressure suitch shut the clutch off. when pressure come dowm, the clutch kick back on. I jumped the high pressure switch and it was better for a while, but having to turn it off frequently in order to melt the ice and start blow cold again. I changed the amount of freon up and down( now with 1 lb 2 oz), replaced liquid line twice, flushed the whole system, none of this helped. Know I am replacing the lever for the heater door cable, and will clean everything, and replace the evaporator. Don't know, as the other vehicle listed, if it has any difference when driving slow or in a greater speed. Please give me any ideas to try to solve this problem, I have the vehicle for 10 years and it never worked properly. Thank you
Answercheck your fan clutch and or electric radiator fan motor. The cut out switch on the high side is there to protect the compressor in case of an over heat or high pressure in the system. Try and get me pressures when system is working and watch pressures when it cuts out both suction and discharge. Let me know.