Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 1999 Cadilac Deville, dollar job, awile


I have no heat and the air conditioning does not work.  I have been told that my car needs an A/C Heater Control Module.  Once in awile there is a bit of heat that comes thru on top of the dash.  What would be the cost of having this replaced?  I have been quoted $2,000.

Thank you for your help.

I am sorry it has taken me a bit to get to your question, I have been out of town this past week.
The heater control module is nothing more than the control panel right in the dash that you hit the bittons and turn the knobs on. A 2000 dollar quote on this replacement is insane. I anticipate maybe 150 dollars in parts (Ihaven't replaced one on a 99 deville) and MAX 200 dollars in labor. And that is being generous with the book hours.
Before I say this place is trying to pull a big one over on you... verify what part it is they are replacing. Regardless though, a 2,000 dollar job in my shop would entitle you to almost 2 completely brand new A/C systems (every single component) installed, so I would definately get a second quote.
I thank you for your question, and hope I was of a little assistance. If I can do anything further now or in the future, please do not hesitate to ask. If you found this answer helpful, please remember to rate it. Thank you again and good luck in everything.