QuestionI have a 1995 dodge caravan i was just wounding if the air conditioning cycle from off to on or stan on all the time.Want the air conditioning on.Thanks for help.
Yes and no. Your compressor is supposed to cycle on and off, but only under certain circumstances. Such as... cooling demands have been met, you depress the throttle down far enough to bring the engine rpms beyond a set point,there being a fault in your system somewhere, or cold ambient temperatures outside the car.
However, if your vehicle is cycling off and on rapidly (every 5-10 seconds) that is a near certain indicator of your refrigerant charge being low. What is happening is when your compressor kicks on, it pushes the refrigerant through the system creating a high and a low pressure side. When your low pressure reaches a certain point (typicaly between 14-21 psig) your low pressure switch shuts down your compressor to prevent it from being damaged. If yours is doing that, definately check your pressures, because you have a leak somewhere in the system.
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