Questioncan I buy a coin box for my air conditioning unit?
I have a holiday home and want to rent it out but concerned that tenants may leave air conditioning on all day!
AnswerMrs. Love,
You can do anything you want to in this day and age. I found a site that sells the coin operation controls found on laundromat equipment and car washes, etc. I didn't get too far into the cost of one, but I would research it more if I were you, prior to purchasing one. Will the cost of the device outweigh the money you would save / money you would bring in with it? Would this conflict with any policies/regulations that your utility provider has in place? I would hate to see you get into any trouble with the big companies, they can be tough. Also consider the outlook of the tenants. I personally... if I walk into a home and see everythig coin operated, it makes the place feel "cheap" and I would be less likely to rent it versus one down the street. It is all about perception.
Also when you are figuring in the cost, you would have to figure in the cost of hard-wiring the unit into the home ad any permits involved there.
As for damage to the unit... Providing you set the unit to run at 10 minute or more intervals per coin it should not harm anything at all. The reason for this as a minimum is that there is an time delay relay inside the unit that will not allow the compressor to come on for at least 30 seconds after the unit is stopped. This prevents excessive wear and tear on the compressor by allowig the pressure in the system to equalize before it re-starts. So it doesn't have to fight against a high head pressure when it starts up. (that would be like starting a manual transmission car while it is in gear)
Thank you for your question, and I hope I was able to provide at least a little help. If so, please remember to rate this answer for me. If I can do anything further now or in the future, do not hesitate to ask. Thanks again and good luck in everything.