Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: A/C Compressor in 1990 Chevy Lumina, 1990 chevy lumina, chevy lumina

Is it possible for me to replace the AC Compressor for this Vehicle myself?  Or must I take it to a certified mechanic because of the refigerant?

Absolutely you can do the replacement yourself. The only thing you will need a certified tech to do is recover the refrigerant prior to your opening of any lines. When the replacement is finished, unless you have a vaccuum pump in your garage, I also recommend you take it to them to evacuate it prior to charging it back. This will remove any moisture from inside the system, which may end up causing problems later down the road.
If you are replacing the compressor, you will also need to replace the drier, orifice tube, compressor oil, and any o-rings or seals that are in the lines you disconnect. Also, with your vehicle being a 1990, if you still have R12 in your system you will need to buy a retrofit kit to change the fittings over. Typically you would need a kit containing more than just the fittings but with all else you will be replacing because of the compressor, this is all you will need.
Thank you for the question, I hope I was of some assistance. If so, please remember to rate this answer. If I can do anything further during this process or in the future, do not hesitate to ask. Thank you again and good luck in everything.