Question1997 chevy 1500 4x4 where is the orfice tube located the high side line from the evaporatot to the codinser seems to small could it be located behind the grill of the truck
According to the service literature I am looking at, for the 97 Chevy 1500....
In the C & K series 1500 pickup, it is located at the outlet of the condensor. On the U series it is in the condensor to evaporator lines near the high side service valve or the support clamp. On the G, P, L, M, S, and T series it is at the inlet of the evaporator.
It also states that you will need to use the special tool orifice tube installer remover part number J-26549-D or J-26549-E. But I have done many an orifice tube and have never used a special tool. Your call on that.
I hope this is the information that you were looking for. If I can do anything further to assist you now or in the future, do not hesitate to let me know.
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