Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 98 chevy s10 pickup a/c issue, chevy s10 pickup, s10 pickup

I have a 98 Chevy S pickup a/c is not cold, I bought one
of those cans to refill it at walmart.  Hooked it up and
it showed the PSI was over 65 when it's suppose to be 25.
It says to get help and I don't want to spend alot at a
shop and I would like to figure it out before a shop tries
to screw me over.  Any ides?

My first question to you is... was your engine running and a/c clutch engaged? If it wasn't then go ahead and charge your system. The reason you read 65, if your clutch wasn't engaged, is because until the compressor actually turns and begins circulating the refrigerant, the pressures between your high side and low side are equalized. Once the compressor begins compressing and circulating the refrigerant, a high side is created, as the refrigerant hits your metering device, this is what drops your pressure to a low pressure side.
As you are charging it, make certainthat your engine is running and the A/C switch is on. You may also find it necessary to heat the can in hot water (NOT an open flame) This will raise the pressure in the can and get it to go in easier/quicker until your compressor begins cycling and eventually remaining on.
I hope this was of some help, if I can do more, or your compressor clutch was engaging when you read 65, please do a follow up on this question and I will go from there. But with a reading that high, and it not blowing cold, either it is extremely overcharged, or the compressor is not turning.
Thank you for the question and good luck in everything. If you found this helpful, please remember to rate this answer.