Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Durango A/C, amp fuse, voltage readings

While driving with the A/C on, the blower just quit. The rear blower works fine. Front is out. Rotate the switch does nothing. 10amp fuse under dash checks O.K. 10 amp fuse under hood also checks out good.
Any ideas?

This could be caused by many things. Everything from the control head to the fan motor itself.
The way you described it... it was running fine and then nothing all of a sudden. No decrease in performance leading to nothing right?
That leads me to believe that it could be something as simple as a plug coming loose. If it was the fan motor, it would show a deterioration in power, and take longer to get up to full speed. First thing I would check is the plugs. Make certain that they are all secure. Both in the back of the control head as well as those leading into and out of the resistor block on the fan assembly itself.
Also, if you have a multimeter, with the truck and fan switches on, do voltage checks at all of these points as you are checking them. You should read 12 volts coming out from the back of the control head all the way to the resistor block. The resistor block will drop the voltage readings depending on the number of resistors the voltage is traveling through. This is what creates everything except "high" speed. Also check the ground wire on your fan itself. It could be that the ground has come loose or disconnected. This would also cause it to completely stop working, because the circuit would be incomplete.
In some cars, if you take out the glove box, it may be easier to access your resistor block and fan assemble, for checking voltages. I can't tell you if it will make yours easier though. If you can't see them from under the passenger side dash, try this.
I hope I was able to help a bit. Thank you for the question, and if I can do more, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you for the question and good luck.