Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Ford Taurus A/C, clutch plate, gap size

QUESTION: '95 SHO- A/C blows very cold, then decides to quit. Someone mentioned a precise "air gap"? Rebuilt clutch just installed. When a/c quits, mechanic nudges it witha long screwdriver, then works fine for 2-3 days then quits again. Does not lose refridgerant. Help please. 3.2L Yamaha engine w/auto.

The mustang killing family car. Love it. One of my troops got me hooked on them when I was down in Georgia. Very impressive for a four door.
Whoever that someone was was exactly right. The air gap is the distance between the pulley and the clutch plate. If it is too close then the clutch plate rubs on the pulley even when it is disengaged. With the air gap too far it is out of range for the magnetic field created by the coil to reach out and snap it into place. With this problem, I am also betting that you occasionally may here your clutch slipping.
As for the air gap itself, if that is the original compressor, I will do some research and see what it is supposed to be and do a followup with you when I find out. Then you can check what yours is with a feeler gauge. The "finger" tool that many mechanics check spark plug gap or valve lash with.
As for adjusting it... again this varies between each compressor. Whoever you had rebuild it should have the instructions on how to do this as well as the gap distance itself. Most all new compressors come with the clutch installed, and you cannot replace just the clutch, simply for this reason. It is a pain in the rear. But I will do some research like I said and find out what yours is supposed to be.
Thank you for the question, hope I helped a little, and I will get back with you as soon as I find out the information.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank You! I love the car, but don't dare take it out in this Texas heat. Not sure if it is the original compressor-I'm not the first owner. But let's assume it is and when you get the gap size, I'll take it back to my mechanic. (I've already given him lots of money, so he'd better make it right). I can't imagine it's the correct gap if he has to nudge it to get it to cool. Waiting for the results of your research....Jim

Ok, I'm back as promised. Wish I had more information though. I looked through all of my literature on the ford taurus' and found the air gap setting in none of them. So I made a phone call to the buddy I was talking about. He owns 4 of the V8 models right now. (He's gotten rid of the others, had a total of 7 when I seen him last) But he has always done all of the maintenance on everything. He said that he has set the air gap before, and he used the tip of a number 2 flat tip screwdriver, and never had an issue with it. I also asked if the V8 and the V6 uses the same compressor and he said they do. This is a good friend, a very competent mechanic, and an A/C tech like myself, so I have complete faith in any information that he gives me.
Did you ever get with Ford and see what they said about the TSB? If so please let me know, so I can store it away for future knowledge. Thanks.
I hope I was of a little help, sorry I couldn't give an exact number.
If I can do anything more, don't hesitate to ask.