QuestionHi David~and please help.I have a 1999 Suzuki Grand Vitara..recently I tried
to add R134a freon because it wasn't blowing cold. I Never evacuated but
before I saw white frothy foam going thru the site it looks clear.
The Low side is extremely diff. to reach w/o removing the entire grill
and everytime I go to attach a hose it blows off..I finially got a 24
inch NEw extension hose..went to add would NOt go in and Low
pressure was 100 PSI.Tried another new can and hose; same thing .Feon would not go in..plow side 100psi. I do not have another hose to read high side.
BOTH fans are turning on and FRONT clutch pulley is turning but not
blowing cold air..Freon would NOT go in.I tried 2 new hoses..could it be
a bad shaeder valve..I am positive I am on the LOW side because the cap
in labeled L and the blue hose with gauge only fits on that LOW SIDE..I
do not have another gauge for high side reading..nothing is in site
glass..doesn't seem like compressor is pumping but why is A/C clutch
pulley turning??? BAd relay? bad compressor? Please email
Sorry I didnt answer the first time around, this board was swamped. (Here comes summer) I sent your question to the pool for others to answer, but they must have been as swamped as I.
Is your clutch engaging? Many vehicles nowadays have a dust cover over the compressor pulley to protect the clutch, so it may look as though it is engaging when it is actually just the dust cover spinning that you see. The easiest way to do this is to listen for it. You should hear a "snap" as your AC is turned on. If it is definitely engaging and you are reading 100 psig on the low side, you have either an extremely overcharged system, (this will cause it to blow hot air) which I do not believe to be the case because as you seen bubbles in the sight glass and were unable to put any refrigerant in; or your compressor discharge and suction valves are too weak to be effective and it will need to be replaced. Most garages, unless they have good A/C techs will only replace the compressor, they are unable to tear it down and replace just the valves. Either way it will cost relatively close to the same amount.
This would be why the refrigerant would not go into the system. The compressor was unable to pull it into the system.
If you have access to a set of gauges with the high and low side readings, take the pressures with the clutch engaged with the engine at 1500 rpm. Then at idle. Send these back to me along with the temperature outside, and I will be able to tell you more. Those gauges that come with the little cans of refrigerant are not very reliable and actually tell very little. If you can get me the pressures with a real set of gauges, it will tell many, many things.
Or if your compressor is not engaging... let me know and I will go from there.
Sorry I could not be of more help. But with pressures, I promise I will know more.