Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 91 camry vacuum on low side, 1991 toyota camry, toyota camry
Questionwhen i put a set of gauges on my 1991 toyota camry i have a vacuum. what could cause this? and how can it be fixed?
AnswerHello Kelly, Sounds like you need to replace the expansion valve and the short tubing that attaches to the inlet of the valve. Also replace the filter drier. Toyotas need to be flushed with special flush solvent to clean before new parts are installed. Be sure to add 3oz. of refrigerant oil. The problem with your a/c is caused by blockage. It will prevent freon to flow thru the system.
p.s.I would recommend any a/c shop for repairs if you can`t do it yourself.
good luck, davidt