Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Replacing the A/C compressor on 1997 F150, ford f 350, compressor motor

Are there only 4 bolts that attach the compressor motor?  If yes, how is the easiest way to reach the back 2 bolts.  Is there an online graphic for the removal and instalation of the compressor motor?  My compressor locked up and locked the motor.

You asked: How is the easiest way to reach the back 2 bolts.

Being double jointed is a big help but there is no easy way that I have ever come up with.

I do not have pictures or instructions for your particular vehicle. But I do have them for a 1994 Ford F-350 if you would like them.

If you would like them, Contact me at:

[email protected]

as this allexperts website does not allow pictures to be sent.
