Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 1988 Mazda 626LS 2.2L non turbo 4dr auto, timing belt tensioners, gas milage

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Question -
The car has started to puke antifreeze out the overflow.The temp guage reads on the "E" on the word TEMP on the guage.The car relay for the fan was bypassed 2 years ago so it goes off with the key but this was not a problem all last summer or most of this summer?
Also the idle (seperate problem accurred before tha antifreeze problem) has dropped to 700rpm's in gear goes to 1000rpms in neutral and gas milage has dropped from 30-32 to 25-28 since the idle problem,charcol canister? throttle body? Any suggestions?Car has had the timing belt, tensioners, and water pump replaced 2000 miles before the antifreeze problem and the idle problem was already there.

You seem to be a very angry person.This site is for helping people not judging them.
I am a retired disabled person living on a FIXED INCOME.I am NOT a mechanic.This was NOT MY CAR.It is a single mother of 3 children's car.The work that was done had NOTHING to do with me.I was just RELATING FACTS TO YOU ABOUT THE CAR.She does NOT have the money to go to a repair shop and needs the car to get to work.I am just trying to help her out as best I can.I did take HER CAR to 2 Mazda dealers to try and get her replacement relays (EXPENSIVE),but the parts guys could NOT tell me which ones SHE needed because they had been destroyed in an accident.(this didn't make sense to me but what could I do)
Maybe you should step back before answering a question and realize not everyone is as WONDERFUL as you.
Please remove yourself from this site as an "EXPERT" if you only want to give advice to people who don't need it or MEET YOUR SPECIAL CRITERIOR.There is NO SUCH DISCLAIMER ON THE SITE THAT HAVING A PERFECT CAR IS A PREREQUISITE TO ASKING FOR AND GETTING HELP!
"I am sorry, But I cannot in all good intent provide any information that you will most likely have improper work done on the vehicle".
Answer -
You stated:

The car relay for the fan was bypassed 2 years ago so it goes off with the key but this was not a problem all last summer or most of this summer?

If your going to alter and deviate by BYPASSING systems without doing a PROPER REPAIR as you seem to like to do, I do not involve myself in this type of repair work.

You need to take it to a Mazda dealership and have it diagnosed and repaired CORRECTLY without BYPASSING or doing cheap repair procedures.

I am sorry, But I cannot in all good intent provide any information that you will most likely have improper work done on the vehicle.

If you can'y fix the vehicle properly I do not want to be involved and have turned down ALL requests for repairs that come into my facility where lousy work has been performed as I refuse to work on such a vehicle.

I am sorry that I cannot help you with your problem.

The reason I am an expert with over 20 manufacturers certifications for EXCELLENCE in automotive diagnostics and repair is that i do NOT do short cuts and or perform improper repairs such as you stated when you said you BY-PASSED various components instead of making the correct and proper repair.

I will NOT under any circumstances provide information and or have a vehicle in my shop that has been BUTCHERED by anyone for any reason.

If you can't fix the vehicle properly you should not be repairing vehicles using BAND-AID repairs.

If you had a broken leg would you care if your surgeon used rusty screws or new screws to pin your shattered bone back together ?.

If your not going to treat the automobile with proper repairs, I don't want the question.

it's just a mattter of pride in my workmanship and I will not short cut anything.