Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: HONDA Air Conditioning Intermittant -- Cheapest Fix?, honda civic lx, temperature gage

I have a 1993 Honda Civic LX with 246,000 miles on it.  It's in fairly good shape mechanically as a result of spending way too much money at a local dealer throughout the years.

My only significant complaint at this point is that the air conditioning is intermittant.  I regularly take 4 hour trips of about 300 miles and can only use the AC for approximately 25% of the time.

I'll start the car, start driving, and the AC will slowly start cooling the air.  Then at random points it just stops and starts blowing out warm/ambient air.

I've used a digital thermometer with a remote sensor to gauge the change so that its not just my imagination.  I stick the center in the center console vents and watch as the AC works, cooling the car down to the 60s usually, but as low as 47 the other day while sitting idling in the rain waiting out a thunderstorm.  I started driving home and after about 10 minutes or so -- after driving for a bit of city/highway mixed traffic -- it stopped cooling and I can see the temperature of the air slowly rise.

I'd like to get this fixed but the key is fixed and not replaced.  The dealer seems keen on replacing my old system instead of simply investigating the problem and fixing whatever part is bad.

I'd love any assistance in figuring out what the problem could be and how to find someone that will do a good, reliable but still inexpensive job at fixing it.. I can't put much money into a 1993 Civic with this many miles.. one big accident and all that investment is gone..


What you need to determine is if the compressor is NOT operating at the time when the temperature gage starts to rise on your temp gage. When this starts to happen:

1. Look at the compressor to see if it has stopped running and the hoses are getting warm.

2. As soon as you start to see the temp drop pull off the road and check to see if the accumulator (receiver/drier or the line going into it is FROZEN with ice and let me know.
