I have a 94 Buick Roadmaster wagon with 158K mi. The A/C system ran fine up until yesterday (hottest day of year!). One moment fine, next moment no AC, and burning material smell coming into car. I pulled over and checked. It appears that the compressor seized and the clutch was burning attempting to turn over the compressor. My question(s) are the following. First, is my diagnosis reasonable. Could it be another part besides the compressor itself?
Second, assuming it is a compressor, can get a professional to evac the system and install the comprresor myself? I have average mechanical skills, located reman GM HD6 compressor for the vehicle on ebay for 160$, Cant see puting 8-900$ in this car to have it done in a shop. Any advise would be appreciated.
AnswerIn most cases when an internal compressor fault occurs small particles of aluminum from the internal components of the compressor get pumped throughout the entire A/C system components.
1. You need to remove the compressor, the orifice tube and the accumulator.
2. You need a professional FLUSHING machine to flush out all the small particles from the rest of the components.
3. You will need to know EXACTLY how much refrigerant oil and freon to put bac into the A/C system, AFTER you replace the compressor, the orifice tube and the accumulator.
4. Then you need to use anothe piece of special equipment to evacuate the air from the system and then add a can of freon and use another piece of specialized equpiment to check for any freon lekas.
5. If no leaks, Then you charge the system with the EXACT amount of freon.
If you are not familiar with this type of repair and do nopt have the equipment or the EXACT specififications of refrigerant oil and freon to re-install, You can damage the new compressor and you will have to start all over again.