Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: compressor kicks on and off, honda crx, orifice tube

Hello.  I have recently replaced the compressor on my Honda CRX because the old one locked up and now a new problem has arrisen.  I know that ever since I replaced the compressor, the system has a slow leak so I decided to try and find the leak today.  The problem I now have, however, is that when I filled the system, the compressor won't stay running.  It was running until I got almost to where the pressure should be, then kicked off.  Now it will try to kick on, but will shut right back off after about 2 seconds and almost kills the engine, even if I have the RPMs up.  Is there possibly a blockage in the system that is causing too much pressure for the condenser to handle?

Did you replace the expansion valve or orifice tube and evacuate ALL the air from the system using a vacuum pump BEFORE adding the freon ?.

Did you check to see if the new compressor came with a full charge of freon or none at all.

Some compressors come with afull systems charge of freon and what you are supposed to do is empty out the old oil from the old compressor and install the EXACT same amount of new oil into the new compressor PKLUS one extra ounce BEFORE you install the freon.

Sounds like you have to much oil in the system.