Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 1998 chevy venture A/C blowing warm air, chevy venture van, new jasper
Questionok i had it checked and they found a pinhole leak around the middle of the ac line leading towards other the rear of the van. Used a sealant and it did not fix the problem. Still leaked through the hole! Any other ideas on how to seal that line? A replacement line(s) is way to expensive!
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AS the subject states i have a problem with my A/C. It all of a sudden stopped blowing cold air and i have noticed some type of leak in the driveway,I beleive this has something to do with my problem. So my question is: What is wrong and, is it an easy at home repar or a costly shop repair? wen i say easy i mean a hose or something anyone may be able to fix? A 1998 chevy venture van with a new Jasper engine with 10000 plus miles on it.
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There are numerous tests that need to be performed befiore an accurate diagnosis can be made and making a diagnosis via e-mail is impossible.
AnswerAll those sealants do is eventually work small hardened particles of sealant into the A/C system which starts plugging up numerous components.
Bite the bullet and replace the hose or you will forever have problems if you keep trying sealant compounds.