Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Toyota Air, autohelp, vacuum pump

I have a '96 4-cyl Toyota Tacoma, just recharged the air conditioner to #45 as per the kit's instructions.

The pressure is stable, and the compressor comes on and stays on like it should.  However, the tubes are not cool.

Everything 'looks' like it works as it should, but it is not getting cool.

I read overcharge can act like this, but do not know what to check, or what pressures should be.

Thanks for your time and any suggestions.


If the A/C system has been INOPERATIVE and without freon in it for more than a week or 2, You need to discharge the freon, replace the orfice tube (expansion valve), replace the accumulator (receiver/drier) and then evacuate the air from the system using a vacuum pump and then recharge the system with 2 ounces of refrigerant oil and the correct amount of freon.

Your pressures should be WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING and the A/C ON approx 45 lbs on the LOW side and 270 lbs on the high side.

These pressures are approximate.
