Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: HVAC Blower, chev lumina, vacuum lines

My 2001 Chev Lumina hvac blower motor works fine at all speeds , for heat and AC ,  but only blows at my feet and on the windshield,  not out of the dash.  What can I do ?   Haven't found any problems with either wiring or vacuum lines,  not sure how it is controlled anyway.

There are what are called MODE DOORS that either work off of a vacuum or an electrical solenoid that opens and closes the doors. I have a 2004 book that shows these vents and some tests that you can perform.

However, You will need to contact me at:

[email protected]

In order for me to provide you pictures and procedures to fix your problem.

NOTE: This website is NOT mine and I am only a VOLUNTEER helping answer BASIC simple questions to those in need and this website does not allow pictures to be sent and or received.

Please include all of the information, MAKE, YEAR, MODEL, Engine size, transmission type and all necessary other information that you previously provided as well as the information that I just gave you when you contact me.
