QuestionThank you on your answer to amt. of freon to use! Can you tell me which port is the low side on my 1996 merc. mystic -6cylinder air conditioning? Thanks again for your help!-------------------------
Followup To
Question -
Where is the charge port on my 1996 Mercury Mystic-- you know- the low side. How much Freon should I use?
Answer -
Without having a set of A/C gages to put on the LOW and HIGH side pressure ports there is NOWAY to tell how much freon you need to install.
It's like trying to figure out how much oil to put in your engine when you lost the dipstick.
AnswerThe LOW side port usually has a BLUE COLORED plastic cap on it or some sort of designation by the color BLUE.
It is usually located near the accumulator (receiver/drier).
FREON is VERY DANGEROUS to work with as it can permanently cause damage to your fingers to to the coldness of the fluid.
ALWAYS wear eye protectant when working with FREON.