Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 1996 Ford Explorer A/C, freon, fact need
QuestionI want to add freon to my 1996 Ford Exxplorer. Where is the valve located that I would use to accomplish this.
AnswerHOW did you determine that you need freon ?. You can be seriously injured if you install to much freon into the A/C system if it is already at maximum capacity.
PLEASE for your own SAFETY and the safety of your A/C system of which you can seriously damage IF you install to much freon WITHOUT knowing for SURE if it needs freon, have an A/C repair facility install a set of A/C gages on your system to VERIFY that it does in fact need freon.
THIS information is being given at YOUR OWM RISK of personal injury should you get injured during this process of installing freon.
The freon is installed thru the LOW PRESSURE fitting of which usually has a BLUE colored plastic cap on the insertion port.