No, I am driving a 1998 Honda Civic LX.
Followup To
Question -
My condenser has a hole in it. It it difficult to change the condenser on my own with the help of my husband? It is so expensive for someone else to do. What do you think?
Answer -
Let me guess, your either driving an enclosed Harley davidson motorcycle or tractor trailer or something in between of some unknown make year and model.
AnswerYou also need to replace the ACCUMULATOR (receiver/drier)and the specifications of how much refrigerant oil to add to the new one.
THANK YOU for the information on what you are driving. Replacing a HONDA condensor which is in front of the radiator is not that difficult to do once you remove the radiator.
AFTER you replace the condensor you will need:
1. A set of A/C gages, A vacuum pump, The EXACT specifications of how much refrigerant oil and freon to add to the A/C system after you install the new condensor.
Are you POSITIVE that you mean CONDENSOR and not EVAPORATOR ?.