Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Blower Motor Location and Replacement, model books, dodge dakota
QuestionI have a 1996 Dodge Dakota 3.9L V6. I am trying to replace the blower motor for my heater and AC and I believe I have located it under the glove box of my vehicle. What I do not know is how to get to it to replace it. Diagrams and an explanation would be quite helpful. I have a Haynes auto repair manual but it does not help me any. Thank you for your help.
AnswerFIRST thing you need to do, Personal and professional opinion, Is to throw that useless pice of miss-information and GENERIC fits-em-all pile of paper called a HAYNE'S manual in the TRASH. This book and the CHILTON'S are totall useless and have caused more problems than the one that you originally had. My library consists of well over 500 manufacturers service manuals and has and will NEVER include these above said useless books.
I do not have that many dodge newer model books or I could send you a schematic and indicate what and where to test.
Let me know.