Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Why wont my rear defogger/defroster work, buick skylark, electrical schematics

I have a 1993 Buick Skylark - the heater/defroster in the front works, however, my rear defogger/defroster does not work.  I looked at the manual and it calls for a circuit breaker - 30 Amp ACC - where can I purchase this?  I do not know if this is the problem or not - just going thru a process of elimination.  Any ideas as to what the solution is?

Most likeli in 90% of these cases the wire(s) that attach to the electric GRID on either side of the window have broken OFF.

I can provide you with  some pictures and the electrical schematic showing you HOW to test this circuit, But, You will need to contact me at:

[email protected]

In order for me to send you some electrical schematics and pictures related to your problem, as this website is NOT mine and I am only a VOLUNTEER helping answer simple questions to those in need and pictures are NOT allowed on this website.

Please include all information about your vehicle as well as and this problem.

