Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Cycling A/C Compressor, reed valve, c programmer

When in A/C or defrost mode, the compressor cycles every 12-15 seconds on my 99 Dodge Dakota pickup. This condition is pretty much independent of outside temps. Is this normal? Low pressure switch already changed with no effect. Also leaky evaporator had been recently replaced but condition existed beforehand.

You could have one of a couple of problems.

1. A freon leak in the A/C system.

2. To much refrigerant (freon) oil in the system.

3. To little freon in the system.

4. A restriction in the orfice tube (POA) valve.

5. A faulty REED VALVE in the compressor.

6. Atmospheric air in the system.

7. A faulty IN-CAR temp sensor.

8. A faulty A/C programmer and or module.

A professional A/C technician should be able to tell you EXACTLY what the problem is by putting a set of manifold (A/C) gages on the system and by looking at the low and high side pressures a fault should be easily found.

Unfortunately many aleged A/C facilities still do not know how to read and interpret the pressures on the gages.
