Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Auto Air conditioning, auto air conditioning, reed valves

I have a F350 Ford truck,  Iv been having trouble with the air conditioning, I have changed the compressor and the Dryer, and the Orves tube, when i changed all of this it worked for about 4 months, then one day it leaked down, now i changed all the O-rings, now i can charge it up, and it works for about 1 hour then something happens and the compressor cuts off, but it still has power going to it, if you charge it up and only run it 30 minutes at a time it wont leek at all, it only leeks when it gets cut off, I checked the pressure switch when this happens, it dosn't cut the power, i checked the compressor, it had 13 votes of power going to it and was not running.
When i changed the o-rings, i pumped the system down, i had it down to around 25 pounds, when something "poped" the gauge went from 25 pounds back up to 0, and about 10 seconds latter it started pumping down again, and it will hold pressure.  I let it stand at 30 pounds for about a hour.

Iv never had one do this to me before, im not a expert but i have worked on many, If you could give me any direction i would appreicate it.

  Thank you   Elmer Womack

BEFORE you installed the NEW components did you FLUSH the entire A/C system of debris ?. If NOT, You most likely have all of this debris clogging your NEW orfice tube and also have a ton of debris in the NEW compressor of which is clogging the REED VALVES inside of the compressor.

Put your set of A/C gages on the A/C system and see what pressures you have and let me know.
