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i have a 1985 camaro. when I turn on the heater, the fuse blows out within a few seconds. how do you troubleshoot this?
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Unplug the blower motor and see if the fuse blows >
What work af ANYKIND has been done on the vehicle prior to this problem ?.
You can buy at most auto parts stores what is called a SHORT DETECTOR, They ru about $300.00 But they are well worth the money.
10/22/04 Prir to this problem I installed a rebuilt alternator, its charging okay. I lost my keys so I replaced the ignition switch on the column. I put in a new heater core but did not disturb wires. I noticed that the heater is stuck in the defrost mode. When I move the electronic switch the little doors don't move. Oh, and I disconnected the fan and it blew yet another fuse...
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What other components SHARE this fuse that keeps blowing.?.
10/24/04 I looked at the wiring diagram again yesterday and saw that a light green wire goes out of the heatr control where the power goes in. So I disconnected it at the pressure sensor on the a/c unit. The fuse did not blow this time. what do you think of this?
AnswerI don't have an electrical schematic for your particular vehicle, but the GREEN wire usually goes to the LOW pressure switch mounted on the receiver/drier (accumulator) then to a relay then to the compressor clutch.
Unplug the A/C compressor 2 wire connector at the FRONT of the compressor and see if the fuse still blows.
If you can e-mail me that electrical schematic I can tell you exactly what to look for.
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