QuestionMy blower motor on my 93 Buick lesabre remains running after ignition is turned off. Repair sites on the web all say the problem is a bad relay located on firewall. I have disconnected relays one by one and none turns blower motor off. Could the blower relay be located somewhere else? Wires from motor run thru fire wall and I'm hoping I don't have to take dash apart! Thanks for your help. [Is installing a toggle switch for manual turn off ok?]
AnswerYour problem is the all to common BLOWER MOTOR CONTROL MODULE (PCM). What usually causes it to fail is that the blower motor is starting to fail and pulling to much amperage from the PCM, Thus causing it to fail.
When the PCM fails, the DEFAULT setting is HIGH BLOWER SPEED AT ALL TIMES.
You will need to replace:
1. The PCM. Cost approx $235.00
2. The Blower motor. Cost approx $120.00
Do NOT just replace the PCM or you will be replacing it again and again and again until you finally replace the blower motor and another PCM.
Do NOT go to the JUNK YARD and buy a USED or UNKNOWN one as you have no way of knowing if it is GOOD or NOT.
I have one person who did this and now he will have to spend close to $1,000.00 in related components as the other components are inter-related to the PCM and the PCM he bought was faulty.
My son and I repair, If possible, the PCM's. If you have no use for it, I would like to have it.
Please contact me at:
[email protected]