Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: A/C Compressor, toyota camry, oil seals

Followup To
Question -
I have a 4-cyl. 95 Toyota Camry in the shop. The timing belt blew last weekend and they are fixing it. While they were doing that they replaced my drive belt that goes from my A/C compressor to my alternator. It was frayed because of bad bearings inside the clutch. They said it was impossible to just replace the belt (because it kept coming off) and that I would have to either get a belt that by-passes the clutch or get a new clutch. Does this sound like a legitamite claim?
Answer -
Without actually seeing the vehicle for myself, I would say it sounds like a legitamite claim.

As long as they ONLY have to replace the A/C clutch and bearing and NOT replace the WHOLE A/C compressor.



They found a belt to by-pass the clutch. ~Thanks for your help.

followup Question:

This is what they billed me for parts:

timing belt - $47.09
oil pump seal - $9.44
timing belt idler $49.19
timing belt idler P - $73.62
camshaft oil seal - $10.00
crankshaft oil seal - $9.89
belt - $14.82
drive belt - $12.65
oil pump "o" ring s - $15.47

This is what they charged me for labor:

replace timing belt, camshaft and crankshaft oil seals and resealed oil pump and replaced accessory drive belts - $325.00

supplies - $15.72
tax - $16.53

total - $599.42

Does this price sound right to you? It seems a bit expensive, but not too bad. Altogether I am happy with the way the car now performs. It idles a lot smoother and rides a lot smoother. And I believe it was time for some major maintainance. I am looking for a shop I can trust. I met the owner, actually he worked on my car, seems like a nice place. They were very appreciative for my business. Anything else I can do to background check these guys?  

You NEVER pay to MUCH as long as you are happy with the quality of their work.

The prices are about right.

I do NOT agree with your decision to BY-PASS the A/C compressor. The LONGER it remains UNFIXED the more expensive it is going to be when you finally do get it fixed.
