Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: a/c freo charging, buick park ave, minute time period

---we tried to add oil/refrigeranet without any luck,,,,,,the compressor clutch refuses to engage and the a/c presure gage after 1 added can of freon is in the "danger" zone of too much pressure.  What do you recommend ?----------------------
Followup To
Question -
I own a 1995 buick park ave, and I just replaced the a/c compressor.  I forgot to add the 6 oz of PAG 150 oil that the instruction manual requested, and I was wondering if I must remove the unit to do this or can I add it via the freon line.  Can I recharge this unit using an over the counter a/c recharge kit or must I visit a local garage that speciallizes in a/c repair.  thank you so much for your assistance.
Answer -
When you purchase a NEW compressor it comes with a FULL amount of refrigerant (freon) on the assumption that you are also installing all of the other components with NEW ones.

When a compressor fails and you remove it from the vehicle you must:

1. Remove the ORFICE TUBE.

2. Flush the entire A/C system with a flushing agent.

3. Depending upon if the compressor exploded and has strewn
  metallic particles thru-out the entire A/C system, I
  would also replace the RECEIVER/DRIER (accumulator).

4. Install the NEW compressor.

5. Install a NEW orfice tube.

6. Evacuate all of the atmospheric air from the A/C system
  via a VACUUM PUMP.

7. Monitor the manifold set (A/C gages) for any signs of
  vacuum loss over a 30 minute time period. If the vacuum
  drops OFF, You have a leak somewhere that must be fixed.

8. Repeat step # 6.

9. Install the correct amount of refrigerant (freon) into
  the system via the LOW PRESSURE side of the A/C system.

10. Your Done.


You stated: "freon is in the "danger" zone".

This is a VERY DANGEROUS situation. You need to RELIEVE some of the freon from the system as freon can freeze skin permanently as well as blind you permanently should one of the hoses EXPLODE.

Did you follow my instructions ?.
